Friday 29 January 2010

In celebration of finally getting my beloved camera fixed - my favourite photographers.
Today; David Lachapelle.

'Milkmaid' is possibly my favourite photograph of his, and probably in the top ten of my favourite photographs of all time.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

I've had an account for a while now and it's a lot of fun;

on another note, I really really need a job. I also can't stop thinking about university. I've had a conditional offer from Keele which (I'm pretty sure) is my first choice, but I haven't heard back from Bath Spa or London Met yet and if they both offer me a place, it's going to be so tough to choose between them!

Thursday 21 January 2010


Things are dull lately, what with exams and revision and all.... hopefully life will be more interesting soon.
On another note I am going to try to be happier.