Sunday 22 November 2009

I find it scary

It scares me a little bit.
Not 'scares' in the conventional sense perhaps, but in another way that I can't rightly describe. I suppose I don't much like the idea of my thoughts being out there, floating around on the world wide web for anyone to read. But then, why would I have even signed up?
Perhaps it's narcissism; I don't 'like' the idea of people reading my thoughts. But I do really.
Who wouldn't want to think people are interested in them? Maybe most people and I am generalizing again. I generalize a lot, mostly only humans though. I think us a dull and predictable species, especially men. I'm not a lesbian, though the lifestlye appeals to me very much and I have tried and tried to 'become' one. Turns out, it doesn't work like that. I'm stuck liking men, sadly.
Perhaps one day, I will write interesting things. I hope so. I hope I am remembered as a profound and insightful human being, not least one that can spell and punctuate correctly (a rather huge annoyance, that I find myself constantly falling victim to). It seems that good grammar, punctuation and so on, matters less and less. It simply isn't an issue anymore, if someone spells 'they're' as 'their' and uses '2' for 'two' or, even worse, 'too'. But perhaps the latter is just language evolving and I am stuck in the dark ages. Perhaps.